The storms of life are often the same way: sudden, blinding and intense. You can't help but wonder in the middle of it, "Am I going to make it out of here"? They come out of nowhere and just descend. An unexpected car accident, job lay-offs, illness, conflict in relationships, these storms can suddenly descend with a fury that makes us wonder are we going to survive.
"I've never been through a storm that did not pass over". This is a line from a gospel song; it's so simple and so true. A few hours after I came home a sopping wet mess yesterday, the rain stopped completely and the sun made a reappearance. The storm and all it's fury passed over. Every storm comes to an end regardless of how big, bad or ugly the storm is. Every storm passes over.
I'm not sure what storms you may be facing in your life at this moment. I've got a few storms raging right now myself. Maybe you're dealing with a storm of loneliness, depression or economic hardship. Whatever the storm is, no matter how strong the wind, no matter how blinding the rain, no matter how loud the thunder, know this: EVERY storm you face in life WILL pass over.
There is life after failure. There is life after divorce. There is life after a miscarriage. There is life a after a cancer diagnosis. There is life even after your hopes and dreams seem to shatter into a million little pieces. You will survive the storm. Let me say it again. You will survive the storm.
"So do not fear, for I am with you; do
not be dismayed, for I am your God. I
will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with
my righteous right hand." Isaiah 41:10
Following The Way,