This is a guided meditation I led at my church. May it speak to your heart also.
I’m feeling incredibly broken right
now. In the past 6 months 2 people that I know have been shot and
killed. Both young women in their twenties and both from the church I was
very involved in for seven years. On Tuesday I found out a friend from college
has cancer. And in addition to all of that I’ve been processing some
heavy personal disappointments of my own. It is quite fitting that I am
here tonight to talk about gratitude because if I am only able to say thank you
to God when everything is going well than my thank you doesn’t really mean
anything. If gratitude is something I only express when everything is
going according to plan than it can never become a spiritual practice that
becomes life giving and life changing.
Someone recently asked me why am I
so drawn to gratitude and I struggled to articulate an answer. The best
way that I can put it is that the ability to cultivate gratitude has saved my
life. Some of us have had many, many things go wrong in our lives and I
am one of them. As someone with a
history of depression sometimes I become overwhelmed. For me being depressed is like being locked
into a pitch black room. There are no
windows, no doors. It’s totally dark and I can’t see. I can’t see God. I can’t see the ones around
me. It’s so dark I can’t even see
myself. But when I find something in my
life to be grateful for and give thanks light comes into the room and I can see
again. The doors open and I can be
reached. I can be reached by God. I can be reached by those who love me. I can be reached by joy even in the midst of pain.
I want you to close your eyes and
take a deep breath. Think about a
painful situation in your life for a moment.
Acknowledge it. Feel the weight
of it. Take it all in. Now search for something good even in that
situation. Is there any good to be
found? Is there anything to be grateful
for? Find it and focus on it. Take a deep breath and as you breathe,
breathe in gratitude. Without ignoring
the pain, focus on what you’re grateful for and breathe in gratitude. With every breath let if fill you; let it
fill your body and soul. Let gratitude
fill the thoughts of that painful situation and bring in its light. Take
another breath. Take another
breath. Allow your heart to rest in this
place of gratitude. Carry this gratitude with you throughout your day.
Following the Way,
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